Article Processing

Author Instruction

BJMR is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes multidisciplinary original articles, brief articles, case reports, review articles, research letters, letter to editors, perspectives, editorials and guest editorials. For detailed reporting guidelines for each type of article are described below. BJMR follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of scholarly work in medical journals. The uniform requirements and specific requirement of BJMR are mentioned below. Before sending a manuscript authors are requested to check for the latest instructions available.

Publication Schedule

BJMR publishes one volume each year. Each volume consists of three issues which are published every four months months. The issues are published in January, May, and September of every calendar year.

Publication and Decision Time

Time to first communication via email overall (average) within 2 weeks (with Desk Review); 4 weeks (with the review). Those articles which have been submitted more than six moths ago undergo auto-pruning (automatic declining). The editorial process is as follows: